Group therapy overview; three children meditating on mats

  Group Therapy Overview


At our family-focused practice, we understand that raising a child is a rewarding but sometimes challenging experience. That's why we are excited to announce our new parent support services. We have a new parent support group that will provide a safe space for parents to come together, share experiences, and find helpful resources. You'll have the chance to connect with other parents who are facing similar challenges and gain valuable insights into how to support your children's growth.

Parent Support Group

You deserve some space to breathe, and we want this group to be a place of respite for you. A place where people understand what it's like to be in your shoes. A place where you can share the difficult experiences that come with parenting, and feel confident that you can overcome them.

Parenting can be hard. We want to help.

2024 Group Schedule

Spring Schedule:

Healthy Minds Group Therapy

  • January 8th - February 26th

    Registration Ends 1/5/24

  • January 29th - March 18th

    Registration Ends 1/26/24

  • March 11th - May 6th (1 week for Spring Break)

    Registration Ends 3/8/24

  • April 8th - May 27th

    Registration Ends 4/5/24

Summer Schedule:

Healthy Minds Summer Camps

  • June 10th - June 14th

    Registration Ends 6/7/24

  • June 17th - June 21st

    Registration Ends 6/14/24

  • June 24th - June 28th

    Registration Ends 6/21/24

  • July 8th - July 12th

    Registration Ends 7/5/24

  • July 15th - July 19th

    Registration Ends 7/12/24

  • July 22nd - July 26th

    Registration Ends 7/19/24

  • August 5th - August 9th

    Registration Ends 8/2/24

Fall Schedule:

Healthy Minds Group Therapy

  • August 19th - October 7th

    Registration Ends 8/16/24

  • August 26th - October 14th

    Registration Ends 8/23/24

  • October 14th - December 16th

    One week off for Halloween & Thanksgiving

    Registration Ends 10/11/24

  • October 21st - December 16th

    One week off for Thanksgiving

    Registration Ends 10/18/24

Schedule your consultation today!

Group therapy overview; two children attending a virtual group session on a phone

Children and teens greatly benefit from the opportunity to learn from each other.  Group therapy provides an outstanding opportunity to meet with peers and work on goals together in a small, safe, and supportive community.  This provides an amazing environment for growth as group members interact with each other and learn new skills while benefiting from each others’ experiences.

Our therapists work with the group to create a plan together.  Each group includes the opportunity to learn and teach something new through exciting games and activities.  We strive to provide a positive learning environment that creates growth for all group members. Please note that while we provide age ranges for each group, your child’s placement will be determined by the best fit for them.

Group Therapy Benefits

There are several benefits to participating in group therapy. Here at Healthy Minds we offer two primary types of groups: Skill Building Groups and Process Groups.

The main style of group we offer supports Skill Building. In our skill building groups, we follow a curriculum to help educate and normalize different aspects of everyday life that continue to pose a challenge for our participants. Such skills we work on are Social Skills, Executive Functioning Skills, and Growth Mindset, all of which help people participate in group settings with more ease and success. In these groups, we spend our time educating participants and their families about how to understand and master the skill set being offered. While having multiple members participating in our skill building groups may provide extra benefits, such as opportunities to practice real-life situations in a small setting and learning from other peoples' experiences, the size of the group does not impact the delivery of information that will, in turn, support the participants' success in everyday group settings.

Our Process Groups, however, do depend more on group size. Process groups are useful in normalizing everyday experiences related to our mental health that may cause a person to feel isolated and alone in their experiences. This is an opportunity to discuss our everyday challenges in a safe environment and acquire the skills needed to manage mental health.

Groups are not individually tailored to any one specific clients' needs, however, the facilitators are skilled in highlighting the goals each client enters the group with. When more specific needs to an individual arise, we can offer the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a parent to provide additional support and feedback.

Dyadic Therapy Benefits

While searching for therapy options to help build your child’s social skills, groups are typically the first place parents look for support. However, when a child needs tailored support, their ability to engage in a group setting decreases, and they often become an observer rather than a participant. In a group setting, participation is the key to developing improved social skills, so if a child requires more individualized support, it can be difficult for them to make significant progress in a group environment. 

In these cases, dyadic therapy can offer an effective alternative. Dyads involve one therapist working with two children and offer many benefits that a group cannot. In a dyad, the therapist is able to provide more individualized support and attention to each child, which provides flexibility in specific interventions that address the unique needs of each child. This personalized approach allows for a deeper exploration of challenges, as well as an opportunity for an individualized treatment plan. Dyads create a safe and supportive environment where children can express themselves openly and receive reassurance from one another with the support of a clinician. 

While dyads follow a therapeutic curriculum that is similar to a group, they allow each child to practice new skills and increase their confidence in the safety of a smaller supportive environment. The skills needed to engage and actively participate in a group are practiced and enhanced in a dyad setting, so if you are looking for your child to participate in a group in the future, dyads are a wonderful first step toward setting them up for success. Overall, dyadic therapy offers a valuable therapeutic approach that prioritizes the ability to engage with other children, while addressing the child's emotional and behavioral needs, in a supportive and personalized manner.

We can’t wait to meet you!

We specialize in Group Therapy.

Megan Johnson, PhD

Tara Anvar, LCSW, PPS

Beth Pecoraro, AMFT, PPS

Mayte Cruz, MFT Trainee

Jennifer Wallace, ASW, PPS

Rachel Gross, ASW, MS

Katy Holtog, MS, AMFT, PPS

Schedule your consultation today!